Florin Loghiade
Azure MVP & IT Consultant | AVAELGO
Consultant IT cu experienta in proiectare si administrare de infrastructuri complexe atat local cat si in cloud. Florin este Microsoft Azure MVP, Certified Security Professional, Microsoft Virtualization Specialist.
14:45 - 15:45
Container solutions in Azure
You’ve probably heard of containers by now, and I’m pretty sure that you’ve already used one or two in some development scenarios or even production.
As to why use containers it is pretty simple to answer. Instead of virtualizing the whole hardware stack as in the case of a virtual machine, you just virtualize the operating system which will run atop of the OS kernel. Translation: They are smaller and faster! That being said, containers need to run somewhere, and in this session, we will be talking about what container solutions are in the Azure Cloud and how we can use them.
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