20 Aprilie 2018, București

Working with Containers in Microsoft Azure

Florin Loghiade, Azure MVP

Throughout this workshop you will gain knowledge on which Azure container service fits each scenario, how to create production-ready container clusters and how to manage and deploy services on those clusters.

What you'll learn

Developers are continually evolving, and containers are the next big thing that provides them with a development environment almost identical with a production one. This workshop is an absolute must if you want to understand how containers work, how to deploy them and how to manage them.


Understanding containers

  • What are Containers
  • Windows Containers

Using containers in Azure

  • Create and run a container application
  • Run the container application in Azure

Orchestrating services based on containers

  • Deploy a solution in Azure Container Service (Kubernetes)
  • Scale the application and test for high availability

Implementing Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery for Containers

  • Create a build / release definition in Visual Studio Team Services
  • Deploying and updating a service using build / release pipeline

Florin Loghiade


Florin Loghiade, Microsoft Azure MVP and Microsoft Certified Professional, works as an IT consultant focused on Microsoft solutions based on Windows Server, System Center, Hyper-V, Azure and Automation.

Who is it for

This workshop is intended for Cloud Architects and IT professionals who have architectural expertise of infrastructure and solutions design in cloud technologies and want to learn more about container solutions in Azure.


Cloud Architects


IT Professionals

What you’ll get

Access to the seminar

This seminar is full of real-life examples, findings from studies and practical approaches you’ll need to know to protect your code, app or business.

Full slides and additional resources

After the workshop you’ll get access to all the slides presented.

Ask the expert

During and after the seminar you’ll be able to ask questions from our security expert with over 10 years of experience in the field of security.

Meet the Trainer

Florin Loghiade

Trainer, Azure MVP

Florin Loghiade, Microsoft Azure MVP and Microsoft Certified Professional, works as an IT consultant focused on Microsoft solutions based on Windows Server, System Center, Hyper-V, Azure and Automation.
During his college days he joined the Microsoft Student Partners program on the IT PRO track and studied on-premise and cloud infrastructure technologies using Microsoft Windows Server and the System Center Suite and after PowerShell got to version 3, he then started focusing his attention on all the ways he could scale infrastructures using automation techniques. After a while, he took on the challenge in getting certified on the Microsoft technologies he mostly worked on and became a MCP passing the System Center and Hyper-V certification exams and then a Microsoft Virtualization Specialist. In his first year as a Microsoft Student Partner, Florin got to the final stage of ImagineCup Romania and after learning from the experience he then participated at RestartEDU competition where he achieved second place.
Florin’s current main focus is implementing and managing on-premise and cloud solutions based on Microsoft Windows Server, System Center and Azure, eliminating all the tedious management tasks using PowerShell and PowerShell DSC.

Learn to work with Containers in Microsoft Azure

This workshop is an absolute must if you want to understand how containers work, how to deploy them and how to manage them. Register to gain an in-depth view of the newest container technologies in Azure.

Conferința de Cloud 2018